Welcome to my vivarium
From Latin vivus (living) and -arium (place for)
By night, I'm a writer, aspiring author, and amateur botanist. By day, I work in an office.
I hope you enjoy your stay.
This site is under construction. I'm having fun learning! Here's what I'm working on:
- Images with links to the below pages. I want to paint them :)
- The "Take me to the garden" page where I will share my gardening and amateur plant-breeding hobby.
- The "Take me to the books" page where I will share what I'm working on, and hopefully, my future published books!
- The "Take me to the games" page where I will share my gaming hobby, and hopefully one day, my future games. Some of my favorite games are The Sims 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum, The Ace Attorney series, Mafia III, and L.A. Noire. I also love webbrowser games with genetics, like Creature Breeder and Furry-Paws. I have been playing those games since I was about 9 years old and they fostered my interest in genetics & plant breeding.
- An "About Me" page, which is terrifying as an introvert.
My interests
- Adaptation agriculture & plant breeding
- Batman (my favorite superhero)
- Writing (mostly mysteries)
- Reading (all genres)
- Cooking (Southern Indian food is my favorite cuisine)
- The Sims 2 (I can talk about this game for ages)
- Language learning
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